We recently spoke to Helen Stevenson Miller, Quality Director at the GC Education & Skills to find out more about what it means to have a 'Good' Ofsted rating and what this means for our learners. Take it away Helen...
Here at the Growth Company Education & Skills, we currently hold an Ofsted grade 2, which classifies us as ‘Good’. You can read our current inspection report here: 50042829 (ofsted.gov.uk)
What is Ofsted?
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect services providing education and skills for learners of all ages and inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people.
What does ‘Good’ mean?
Essentially, that you are in safe hands learning with us!
When it comes to Safeguarding and the Prevent Duty, we are effective. Always fast to respond to learners needs and celebrating a wealth of signposting agencies within our delivery geography, aimed at all aspects of our demographic – we work hard to ensure learners, their friends and family remain centric and safe in all we do.
So, what else…?
Don’t take it from me, this is what Ofsted said about us in our last Inspection...
“Leaders’ and managers’ strategies to improve teaching, learning and assessment have been successful. As a result, the quality of teaching, learning and assessment is now good. “
“Leaders and managers ensure that the range of apprenticeship programmes they offer make a strong contribution to reducing local and regional skills gaps. “
“A high proportion of apprentices and learners who remain on their courses achieve their qualifications. “
“Governors and leaders promote a highly inclusive ethos. Programmes successfully engage apprentices and learners who face barriers to learning and employment.”
How else are learners supported?
Alike other providers we also had a Covid monitoring visit to check how we were supporting our wide-ranging learners through unprecedented times – access this report here. 50159801 (ofsted.gov.uk)
We at GC Education and Skills are passionate about getting it right first time and always evolve from feedback, listen to constructive criticism and strive to be an outstanding training provider.
What should we look out for in the future?
From 1 September a new Inspection Framework will be released outlining changes to inspection handbooks for September 2022 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk), and we are aligning to any changes within this Framework and believe that our continuous improvements will make your study time with us memorable, productive and fun!
Sounds great! Where can we register for a course or an apprenticeship?
Visit our website Education and Skills (gceducationandskills.ac.uk) to kick-start your journey with us today!